Pandas Dataframes/Series

20 min

Exercies (10 min)

A DataFrame is a collection of Series; The DataFrame is the way Pandas represents a table, and Series is the data-structure Pandas use to represent a column.

Pandas is built on top of the Numpy library, which in practice means that most of the methods defined for Numpy Arrays apply to Pandas Series/DataFrames.

What makes Pandas so attractive is the powerful interface to access individual records of the table, proper handling of missing values, and relational-databases operations between DataFrames.

Selecting values (iloc[...,...])

To access a value at the position [i,j] of a DataFrame, we have two options, depending on what is the meaning of i in use. Remember that a DataFrame provides a index as a way to identify the rows of the table; a row, then, has a position inside the table as well as a label, which uniquely identifies its entry in the DataFrame.

dataframe.iloc can specify by numerical index analogously to 2D version of character selection in strings.

dataframe.iloc[rows, columns]

In [4]:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')
print(data.iloc[0:3, 0])

#With labels 
#print(data.loc["Albania", "gdpPercap_1952"])

#All columns (just like usual slicing)

#print(data.loc["Albania", :])
Albania    1601.056136
Austria    6137.076492
Belgium    8343.105127
Name: gdpPercap_1952, dtype: float64

Use DataFrame.loc[..., ...] to select values by their (entry) label.

  • Can specify location by row name analogously to 2D version of dictionary keys.
In [72]:
data = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')
print(data.loc["Albania", "gdpPercap_1952"])

Use : on its own to mean all columns or all rows.

  • Just like Python’s usual slicing notation.
In [9]:
gdpPercap_1952     4931.404155
gdpPercap_1957     6248.656232
gdpPercap_1962     8243.582340
gdpPercap_1967    10022.401310
gdpPercap_1972    12269.273780
gdpPercap_1977    14255.984750
gdpPercap_1982    16537.483500
gdpPercap_1987    19207.234820
gdpPercap_1992    22013.644860
gdpPercap_1997    24675.024460
gdpPercap_2002    27968.098170
gdpPercap_2007    28569.719700
Name: Italy, dtype: float64
In [ ]:
print(data.loc["Albania", :])

Select multiple columns or rows using DataFrame.loc and a named slice.

In [5]:
print(data.loc['Italy':'Poland', 'gdpPercap_1962':'gdpPercap_1972'])
             gdpPercap_1962  gdpPercap_1967  gdpPercap_1972
Italy           8243.582340    10022.401310    12269.273780
Montenegro      4649.593785     5907.850937     7778.414017
Netherlands    12790.849560    15363.251360    18794.745670
Norway         13450.401510    16361.876470    18965.055510
Poland          5338.752143     6557.152776     8006.506993

In the above code, we discover that slicing using loc is inclusive at both ends, which differs from slicing using iloc, where slicing indicates everything up to but not including the final index.

Result of slicing can be used in further operations.

  • Usually don’t just print a slice.
  • All the statistical operators that work on entire dataframes work the same way on slices.
  • E.g., calculate max of a slice.
In [10]:
print(data.loc['Italy':'Poland', 'gdpPercap_1962':'gdpPercap_1972'].max())
gdpPercap_1962    13450.40151
gdpPercap_1967    16361.87647
gdpPercap_1972    18965.05551
dtype: float64
In [11]:
# Calculate minimum of slice 

print(data.loc['Italy':'Poland', 'gdpPercap_1962':'gdpPercap_1972'].min())
gdpPercap_1962    4649.593785
gdpPercap_1967    5907.850937
gdpPercap_1972    7778.414017
dtype: float64

Use comparisons to select data based on value.

  • Comparison is applied element by element.

  • Returns a similarly-shaped dataframe of True and False.

In [15]:
subset = data.loc['Italy':'Poland', 'gdpPercap_1962':'gdpPercap_1972']
#print('Subset of data:\n', subset)

# Which values were greater than 10000 ?
print('\nWhere are values large?\n', subset > 10000)

#Select values or NaN using a Boolean mask.
mask = subset > 10000
Where are values large?
              gdpPercap_1962  gdpPercap_1967  gdpPercap_1972
Italy                 False            True            True
Montenegro            False           False           False
Netherlands            True            True            True
Norway                 True            True            True
Poland                False           False           False
             gdpPercap_1962  gdpPercap_1967  gdpPercap_1972
Italy                   NaN     10022.40131     12269.27378
Montenegro              NaN             NaN             NaN
Netherlands     12790.84956     15363.25136     18794.74567
Norway          13450.40151     16361.87647     18965.05551
Poland                  NaN             NaN             NaN

Get the value where the mask is true, and NaN (Not a Number) where it is false. Useful because NaNs are ignored by operations like max, min, average, etc.

  • A frame full of Booleans is sometimes called a mask because of how it can be used.
In [9]:
mask = subset > 10000
             gdpPercap_1962  gdpPercap_1967  gdpPercap_1972
Italy                   NaN     10022.40131     12269.27378
Montenegro              NaN             NaN             NaN
Netherlands     12790.84956     15363.25136     18794.74567
Norway          13450.40151     16361.87647     18965.05551
Poland                  NaN             NaN             NaN
  • Get the value where the mask is true, and NaN (Not a Number) where it is false.
  • Useful because NaNs are ignored by operations like max, min, average, etc.

Group By: split-apply-combine

Pandas vectorizing methods and grouping operations are features that provide users much flexibility to analyse their data.

  1. We may have a glance by splitting the countries in two groups during the years surveyed, those who presented a GDP higher than the European average and those with a lower GDP.
  2. We then estimate a wealthy score based on the historical (from 1962 to 2007) values, where we account how many times a country has participated in the groups of lower or higher GDP
In [21]:
mask_higher = data > data.mean()

wealth_score = mask_higher.aggregate('sum', axis=1) / len(data.columns)
Albania                   0.000000
Austria                   1.000000
Belgium                   1.000000
Bosnia and Herzegovina    0.000000
Bulgaria                  0.000000
Croatia                   0.000000
Czech Republic            0.500000
Denmark                   1.000000
Finland                   1.000000
France                    1.000000
Germany                   1.000000
Greece                    0.333333
Hungary                   0.000000
Iceland                   1.000000
Ireland                   0.333333
Italy                     0.500000
Montenegro                0.000000
Netherlands               1.000000
Norway                    1.000000
Poland                    0.000000
Portugal                  0.000000
Romania                   0.000000
Serbia                    0.000000
Slovak Republic           0.000000
Slovenia                  0.333333
Spain                     0.333333
Sweden                    1.000000
Switzerland               1.000000
Turkey                    0.000000
United Kingdom            1.000000
dtype: float64

Note: axis : (default 0) {0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’} 0 or ‘index’: apply function to each column. 1 or ‘columns’: apply function to each row.

Finally, for each group in the wealth_score table, we sum their (financial) contribution across the years surveyed:

In [22]:
gdpPercap_1952 gdpPercap_1957 gdpPercap_1962 gdpPercap_1967 gdpPercap_1972 gdpPercap_1977 gdpPercap_1982 gdpPercap_1987 gdpPercap_1992 gdpPercap_1997 gdpPercap_2002 gdpPercap_2007
0.000000 36916.854200 46110.918793 56850.065437 71324.848786 88569.346898 104459.358438 113553.768507 119649.599409 92380.047256 103772.937598 118590.929863 149577.357928
0.333333 16790.046878 20942.456800 25744.935321 33567.667670 45277.839976 53860.456750 59679.634020 64436.912960 67918.093220 80876.051580 102086.795210 122803.729520
0.500000 11807.544405 14505.000150 18380.449470 21421.846200 25377.727380 29056.145370 31914.712050 35517.678220 36310.666080 40723.538700 45564.308390 51403.028210
1.000000 104317.277560 127332.008735 149989.154201 178000.350040 215162.343140 241143.412730 263388.781960 296825.131210 315238.235970 346930.926170 385109.939210 427850.333420


  1. Assume Pandas has been imported into your notebook and the Gapminder GDP data for Europe has been loaded:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')

Write an expression to find the Per Capita GDP of Serbia in 2007.

In [26]:
df = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')
In [27]:
  1. Explain in simple terms what idxmin and idxmax do in the short program below. When would you use these methods?
data = pd.read_csv('data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')
In [28]:
gdpPercap_1952    Bosnia and Herzegovina
gdpPercap_1957    Bosnia and Herzegovina
gdpPercap_1962    Bosnia and Herzegovina
gdpPercap_1967    Bosnia and Herzegovina
gdpPercap_1972    Bosnia and Herzegovina
gdpPercap_1977    Bosnia and Herzegovina
gdpPercap_1982                   Albania
gdpPercap_1987                   Albania
gdpPercap_1992                   Albania
gdpPercap_1997                   Albania
gdpPercap_2002                   Albania
gdpPercap_2007                   Albania
dtype: object

Key Points

  • Use DataFrame.iloc[..., ...] to select values by integer location.

  • Use : on its own to mean all columns or all rows.

  • Select multiple columns or rows using DataFrame.loc and a named slice.

  • Result of slicing can be used in further operations.

  • Use comparisons to select data based on value.

  • Select values or NaN using a Boolean mask.

Data prep with Pandas

20 min

In [29]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import randn
In [3]:
df = pd.DataFrame(randn(5,4),index='A B C D E'.split(),columns='W X Y Z'.split()) 
A 2.706850 0.628133 0.907969 0.503826
B 0.651118 -0.319318 -0.848077 0.605965
C -2.018168 0.740122 0.528813 -0.589001
D 0.188695 -0.758872 -0.933237 0.955057
E 0.190794 1.978757 2.605967 0.683509
  • Create new columns
In [41]:
df['K', :] = df[1,:] + df[1,:] 
df.iloc[6,:] = df.iloc[1,:] + df.iloc[1,:] 
gdpPercap_1952 gdpPercap_1957 gdpPercap_1962 gdpPercap_1967 gdpPercap_1972 gdpPercap_1977 gdpPercap_1982 gdpPercap_1987 gdpPercap_1992 gdpPercap_1997 gdpPercap_2002 gdpPercap_2007 6
Sweden 8527.844662 9911.878226 12329.441920 15258.296970 17832.02464 18855.725210 20667.381250 23586.929270 23880.016830 25266.594990 29341.630930 33859.748350 NaN
Switzerland 14734.232750 17909.489730 20431.092700 22966.144320 27195.11304 26982.290520 28397.715120 30281.704590 31871.530300 32135.323010 34480.957710 37506.419070 NaN
Turkey 1969.100980 2218.754257 2322.869908 2826.356387 3450.69638 4269.122326 4241.356344 5089.043686 5678.348271 6601.429915 6508.085718 8458.276384 NaN
United Kingdom 9979.508487 11283.177950 12477.177070 14142.850890 15895.11641 17428.748460 18232.424520 21664.787670 22705.092540 26074.531360 29478.999190 33203.261280 NaN
6 12274.152984 17685.196060 21501.442220 25669.204800 33323.25120 39498.844600 43194.167240 47375.652140 54084.037360 58191.841320 64835.215380 72252.985400 NaN
  • Reorder columns in a data frame
In [5]:
df = df[['newColumn', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']]
newColumn W X Y Z
A 1.131958 2.706850 0.628133 0.907969 0.503826
B 0.286647 0.651118 -0.319318 -0.848077 0.605965
C 0.151122 -2.018168 0.740122 0.528813 -0.589001
D 0.196184 0.188695 -0.758872 -0.933237 0.955057
E 2.662266 0.190794 1.978757 2.605967 0.683509

Group by

The method group-by allow you to group rows in a data frame and apply a function to it.

In [65]:
#Let's create a DF
data = {'Company':['GOOG','GOOG','MSFT','MSFT','FB','FB'],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

#Group by company

by_comp = df.groupby("Company")

# Try some functions
  Company   Person  Sales
0    GOOG      Sam    200
1    GOOG  Charlie    120
2    MSFT      Amy    340
3    MSFT  Vanessa    124
4      FB     Carl    243
5      FB    Sarah    350
Sales count 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000
mean 296.500000 160.000000 232.000000
std 75.660426 56.568542 152.735065
min 243.000000 120.000000 124.000000
25% 269.750000 140.000000 178.000000
50% 296.500000 160.000000 232.000000
75% 323.250000 180.000000 286.000000
max 350.000000 200.000000 340.000000

We can also merge data from different dataframes.

It's very useful when we need a variable from a different file.

You can use a ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’


Taken from

In [56]:
left = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['K0', 'K1', 'K2', 'K3'],
                     'A': ['A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3'],
                     'B': ['B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3'],
                     'C': ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3']})
right = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['K0', 'K1', 'K2', 'K3'],
                          'C': ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'],
                          'D': ['D0', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3']})
## Merge
pd.merge(left, right, how='outer', on=['key'])
    A   B   C key
0  A0  B0  C0  K0
1  A1  B1  C1  K1
2  A2  B2  C2  K2
3  A3  B3  C3  K3
    C   D key
0  C0  D0  K0
1  C1  D1  K1
2  C2  D2  K2
3  C3  D3  K3
A B C_x key C_y D
0 A0 B0 C0 K0 C0 D0
1 A1 B1 C1 K1 C1 D1
2 A2 B2 C2 K2 C2 D2
3 A3 B3 C3 K3 C3 D3

Join (union)

In [58]:
left = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A0', 'A1', 'A2'],
                     'B': ['B0', 'B1', 'B2']},
                      index=['K0', 'K1', 'K2']) 

right = pd.DataFrame({'C': ['C0', 'C2', 'C3'],
                      'D': ['D0', 'D2', 'D3']},
                      index=['K0', 'K2', 'K3'])
In [59]:
K0 A0 B0 C0 D0
K1 A1 B1 NaN NaN
K2 A2 B2 C2 D2
In [60]:
K0 C0 D0 A0 B0
K2 C2 D2 A2 B2
K3 C3 D3 NaN NaN
In [61]:
left.join(right, how='outer')
K0 A0 B0 C0 D0
K1 A1 B1 NaN NaN
K2 A2 B2 C2 D2
K3 NaN NaN C3 D3

Some additional operations you can use with a pandas data frame

  • unique: returns unique values in a series.
  • nunique: returns the number of distinct observations over requested axis.
  • value_counts: returns an object containing counts of unique values in sorted order.
In [62]:
array(['GOOG', 'MSFT', 'FB'], dtype=object)
In [63]:
In [20]:
FB      2
GOOG    2
MSFT    2
Name: Company, dtype: int64

There are some other very useful tricks you can do with pandas data frames. Such as profiling a dataframe. Profiling df.profile_report() is a simple and easy way to go furhter into knowing your data. Some other tips and tricks

In [0]:
#pip install pandas-profiling
In [0]:
uploaded = files.upload()
In [0]:
import pandas as pd
import pandas_profiling
import io

data = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(uploaded['gapminder_
In [0]:
Note: There are many other method we can use to explore the data and more effective exploration of a data set with pandas profiling.

Check this out!

In [0]:

Some other useful tools to work with data frames

When you are working with large data frames you might want to know if there are missing values and how many are there.

  • .isna() will create a table with booleans.
    • True if a value is NaN
In [67]:
Company Person Sales
0 False False False
1 False False False
2 False False False
3 False False False
4 False False False

You can count how many Nan values you have per variable

In [68]:
Company    0
Person     0
Sales      0
dtype: int64
In [69]:
df1 = df.copy()

You can discard these values

In [71]:
df.dropna(axis=0) #for rows
df.dropna(axis= 1) #for columns
Company Person Sales
0 GOOG Sam 200
1 GOOG Charlie 120
2 MSFT Amy 340
3 MSFT Vanessa 124
4 FB Carl 243
5 FB Sarah 350

Standardize and resize data directly in the dataframe

Here we can do it manually (if like to do things like that) but we can also use methods already created.

For example ScikitLearn provides:

  • Simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis
  • Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts
  • Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib

The sklearn.preprocessing package provides several common utility functions and transformer classes to change raw feature vectors into a representation that is more suitable for the downstream estimators.

In general, learning algorithms benefit from standardization of the data set. If some outliers are present in the set, robust scalers or transformers are more appropriate.

In [73]:
from sklearn import preprocessing
#Save columns names
names = data.iloc[:,2:8].columns
#Create scaler 
scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() #StandardScaler() #MaxAbsScaler

#Transform your data frame (numeric variables )
data1 = data.iloc[:,2:8]
data1 = scaler.fit_transform(data1) 
data1 = pd.DataFrame(data1, columns=names) 
   gdpPercap_1962  gdpPercap_1967  gdpPercap_1972  gdpPercap_1977  \
0        0.032220        0.028270        0.018626        0.000193   
1        0.482925        0.512761        0.567146        0.691612   
2        0.495771        0.527883        0.567578        0.664689   
3        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000   
4        0.135922        0.163734        0.153579        0.174119   

   gdpPercap_1982  gdpPercap_1987  
0        0.000000        0.000000  
1        0.725414        0.717533  
2        0.700492        0.675728  
3        0.020016        0.020688  
4        0.185462        0.161892  
                        gdpPercap_1962  gdpPercap_1967  gdpPercap_1972  \
Albania                    2312.888958     2760.196931     3313.422188   
Austria                   10750.721110    12834.602400    16661.625600   
Belgium                   10991.206760    13149.041190    16672.143560   
Bosnia and Herzegovina     1709.683679     2172.352423     2860.169750   
Bulgaria                   4254.337839     5577.002800     6597.494398   

                        gdpPercap_1977  gdpPercap_1982  gdpPercap_1987  
Albania                    3533.003910     3630.880722     3738.932735  
Austria                   19749.422300    21597.083620    23687.826070  
Belgium                   19117.974480    20979.845890    22525.563080  
Bosnia and Herzegovina     3528.481305     4126.613157     4314.114757  
Bulgaria                   7612.240438     8224.191647     8239.854824  


With the file gapminder_all.csv try to:

  1. Filter only those countries located in Latin America.
  2. Select the columns corresponding to the gdpPercap and the population
  3. Explore the data frame using 3 different methods 4
  4. Show how many contries had a gdpPercap higher than the mean in 1977.
  5. Check if there are some missing values (NaN) in the data


15 min

Exercises (10 min)

A list stores many values in a single structure.

  • Doing calculations with a hundred variables called pressure_001, pressure_002, etc., would be at least as slow as doing them by hand.

  • Use a list to store many values together.

    • Contained within square brackets [...].
    • Values separated by commas ,. Use len to find out how many values are in a list.
In [74]:
pressures = [0.273, 0.275, 0.277, 0.275, 0.276]
print('pressures:', pressures)
print('length:', len(pressures))
pressures: [0.273, 0.275, 0.277, 0.275, 0.276]
length: 5

Use an item’s index to fetch it from a list.

In [22]:
print('zeroth item of pressures:', pressures[0])
zeroth item of pressures: 0.273

Lists’ values can be replaced by assigning to them.

In [23]:
pressures[0] = 0.265
print('pressures is now:', pressures)
pressures is now: [0.265, 0.275, 0.277, 0.275, 0.276]

Use list_name.append to add items to the end of a list.

In [75]:
primes = [2, 3, 5]
print('primes is initially:', primes)
#print('primes has become:', primes)
primes is initially: [2, 3, 5]

Use del to remove items from a list entirely.

In [76]:
primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 9]
print('primes before removing last item:', primes)
del primes[4]
print('primes after removing last item:', primes)
primes before removing last item: [2, 3, 5, 7, 9]
primes after removing last item: [2, 3, 5, 7]

The empty list contains no values.

  • Use [ ] on its own to represent a list that doesn’t contain any values.

Lists may contain values of different types.

In [26]:
goals = [1, 'Create lists.', 2, 'Extract items from lists.', 3, 'Modify lists.']

Character strings can be indexed like lists.

In [27]:
element = 'carbon'
print('zeroth character:', element[0])
print('third character:', element[3])
zeroth character: c
third character: b

Character strings are immutable.

  • Cannot change the characters in a string after it has been created.
    • Immutable: can’t be changed after creation.
    • In contrast, lists are mutable: they can be modified in place.
  • Python considers the string to be a single value with parts, not a collection of values.
In [28]:
element[0] = 'C'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-6dc46761ce07> in <module>()
----> 1 element[0] = 'C'

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment


Given this:

print('string to list:', list('tin'))
print('list to string:', ''.join(['g', 'o', 'l', 'd']))
  1. What does list('some string') do?
  2. What does '-'.join(['x', 'y', 'z']) generate?
In [77]:
['Y', 'a', 'Q', 'u', 'e', 'r', 'e', 'm', 'o', 's', 'C', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'r']

What does the following program print?

element = 'helium'
  1. How does Python interpret a negative index?
  2. If a list or string has N elements, what is the most negative index that can safely be used with it, and what location does that index represent?
  3. If values is a list, what does del values[-1] do?
  4. How can you display all elements but the last one without changing values? (Hint: you will need to combine slicing and negative indexing.)

What does the following program print?

element = 'fluorine'
  1. If we write a slice as low:high:stride, what does stride do?
  2. What expression would select all of the even-numbered items from a collection?

Key Points

  • A list stores many values in a single structure.

  • Use an item’s index to fetch it from a list.

  • Lists’ values can be replaced by assigning to them.

  • Appending items to a list lengthens it.

  • Use del to remove items from a list entirely.

  • The empty list contains no values.

  • Lists may contain values of different types.

  • Character strings can be indexed like lists.

  • Character strings are immutable.

  • Indexing beyond the end of the collection is an error.

For Loops

10 min

Exercises (15 min)

A for loop executes commands once for each value in a collection.

“for each thing in this group, do these operations”

In [78]:
for number in [2, 3, 5]:
  • This for loop is equivalent to:
In [30]:

A for loop is made up of a collection, loop variable and a body.

Parts of a for loop

  • The collection, [2, 3, 5], is what the loop is being run on.
  • The body, print(number), specifies what to do for each value in the collection.
  • The loop variable, number, is what changes for each iteration of the loop.

    • The “current thing”.
  • Python uses indentation rather than {} or begin/end to show nesting.

  • Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers.

The first line of the for loop must end with a colon, and the body must be indented.

  • The colon at the end of the first line signals the start of a block of statements.
  • Python uses indentation rather than {} or begin/end to show nesting.
    • Any consistent indentation is legal, but almost everyone uses four spaces.
In [80]:
for number in [2, 3, 5]:

Indentation is always meaningful in Python.

In [81]:
firstName = "Jon"
  lastName = "Smith"
  File "<ipython-input-81-6966a7c3a64d>", line 2
    lastName = "Smith"
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Loop variables can be called anything.

  • As with all variables, loop variables are:
    • Created on demand.
    • Meaningless: their names can be anything at all.
In [33]:
for kitten in [2, 3, 5]:

The body of a loop can contain many statements.

  • But no loop should be more than a few lines long.
  • Hard for human beings to keep larger chunks of code in mind.
In [82]:
primes = [2, 3, 5]
for p in primes:
    squared = p ** 2
    cubed = p ** 3
    print(p, squared, cubed)
2 4 8
3 9 27
5 25 125

Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers.

  • The built-in function range produces a sequence of numbers. Not a list: the numbers are produced on demand to make looping over large ranges more efficient.
  • range(N) is the numbers 0..N-1
    • Exactly the legal indices of a list or character string of length N
In [83]:
print('a range is not a list: range(0, 3)')
for number in range(0, 3):
a range is not a list: range(0, 3)

The Accumulator pattern turns many values into one.

  • Initialize an accumulator variable to zero, the empty string, or the empty list.
In [86]:
total = 0
for number in range(10):
    total = total + (number + 1)


Create a table showing the numbers of the lines that are executed when this program runs, and the values of the variables after each line is executed.

total = 0
for char in "tin":
    total = total + 1

Fill in the blanks in the program below so that it prints “nit” (the reverse of the original character string “tin”).

original = "tin"
result = ____
for char in original:
    result = ____
In [0]:
original = "tin"
result = ""
for char in original:
    result = char + result

Fill in the blanks in each of the programs below to produce the indicated result.

In [0]:
# Total length of the strings in the list: ["red", "green", "blue"] => 12
total = 0
for word in ["red", "green", "blue"]:
    ____ = ____ + len(word)
In [87]:
# List of word lengths: ["red", "green", "blue"] => [3, 5, 4]
lengths = []
for word in ["red", "green", "blue"]:
[3, 5, 4]
In [0]:
# Concatenate all words: ["red", "green", "blue"] => "redgreenblue"
words = ["red", "green", "blue"]
result = ____
for ____ in ____:
In [0]:
# Create acronym: ["red", "green", "blue"] => "RGB"
# write the whole thing

Find the error to the following code

students = ['Ana', 'Juan', 'Susan']
for m in students:

Cumulative sum. Reorder and properly indent the lines of code below so that they print a list with the cumulative sum of data. The result should be [1, 3, 5, 10].

In [0]:
for number in data:
cumulative = []
sum += number
sum = 0
data = [1,2,2,5]

Key Points

  • A for loop executes commands once for each value in a collection.

  • A for loop is made up of a collection, a loop variable, and a body.

  • The first line of the for loop must end with a colon, and the body must be indented.

  • Indentation is always meaningful in Python.

  • Loop variables can be called anything (but it is strongly advised to have a meaningful name to the looping variable).

  • The body of a loop can contain many statements.

  • Use range to iterate over a sequence of numbers.

  • The Accumulator pattern turns many values into one.

Looping Over Data Sets

5 min

Exercises (10 min)

Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names.

In [88]:
import pandas as pd
for filename in ['/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_africa.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv']:
    data = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col='country')
    print(filename, data.min())
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_africa.csv gdpPercap_1952    298.846212
gdpPercap_1957    335.997115
gdpPercap_1962    355.203227
gdpPercap_1967    412.977514
gdpPercap_1972    464.099504
gdpPercap_1977    502.319733
gdpPercap_1982    462.211415
gdpPercap_1987    389.876185
gdpPercap_1992    410.896824
gdpPercap_1997    312.188423
gdpPercap_2002    241.165877
gdpPercap_2007    277.551859
dtype: float64
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv gdpPercap_1952    331.0
gdpPercap_1957    350.0
gdpPercap_1962    388.0
gdpPercap_1967    349.0
gdpPercap_1972    357.0
gdpPercap_1977    371.0
gdpPercap_1982    424.0
gdpPercap_1987    385.0
gdpPercap_1992    347.0
gdpPercap_1997    415.0
gdpPercap_2002    611.0
gdpPercap_2007    944.0
dtype: float64

Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern.

  • In Unix, the term “globbing” means “matching a set of files with a pattern”.
  • '*' meaning “match zero or more characters”

  • Python contains the glob library to provide pattern matching functionality.

In [90]:
import glob
print('all csv files in data directory:', glob.glob('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/*.csv'))
all csv files in data directory: ['/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_all.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_africa.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_americas.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_oceania.csv', '/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/processed.csv']
In [91]:
print('all PDB files:', glob.glob('*.pdb'))
all PDB files: []

Use glob and for to process batches of files.

In [92]:
for filename in glob.glob('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_*.csv'):
    data = pd.read_csv(filename)
    print(filename, data['gdpPercap_1952'].min())
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_all.csv 298.8462121
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_africa.csv 298.8462121
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_americas.csv 1397.7171369999999
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv 331.0
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv 973.5331947999999
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_oceania.csv 10039.595640000001


Which of these files is not matched by the expression glob.glob('data/as.csv')?

  1. data/gapminder_gdp_africa.csv
  2. data/gapminder_gdp_americas.csv
  3. data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv
  4. 1 and 2 are not matched.

Key Points

  • Use a for loop to process files given a list of their names.

  • Use glob.glob to find sets of files whose names match a pattern.

  • Use glob and for to process batches of files.


Writing functions

15 min

Exercises (20 min)

  • Break programs down into functions to make them easier to understand.

    • Human beings can only keep a few items in working memory at a time.
  • Encapsulate complexity so that we can treat it as a single “thing”.

  • Write one time, use many times.

To define a function use def then the name of the function like this:

def say_hi(parameter1, parameter2): 

Remember, defining a function does not run it, you must call the function to execute it.

In [93]:
def print_date(year, month, day):
    joined = str(year) + '/' + str(month) + '/' + str(day)

print_date(1871, 3, 19)
In [43]:
print_date(month=3, day=19, year=1871)
  • Use return ... to give a value back to the caller.
  • May occur anywhere in the function.
In [94]:
def average(values):
    if len(values) == 0:
        return None
    return sum(values) / len(values)

Remember: every function returns something

  • A function that doesn’t explicitly return a value automatically returns None.


What does the following program print?

def report(pressure):
    print('pressure is', pressure)

print('calling', report, 22.5)
In [96]:
def report(pressure):
    print('pressure is', pressure)

print('calling', report(22.5))
pressure is 22.5
calling None

Fill in the blanks to create a function that takes a single filename as an argument, loads the data in the file named by the argument, and returns the minimum value in that data.

import pandas as pd

def min_in_data(____):
    data = ____
    return ____
In [98]:
import pandas as pd

def min_in_data(data):
    data = pd.read_csv(data)
    return data.min()
country           Algeria
gdpPercap_1952    298.846
gdpPercap_1957    335.997
gdpPercap_1962    355.203
gdpPercap_1967    412.978
gdpPercap_1972      464.1
gdpPercap_1977     502.32
gdpPercap_1982    462.211
gdpPercap_1987    389.876
gdpPercap_1992    410.897
gdpPercap_1997    312.188
gdpPercap_2002    241.166
gdpPercap_2007    277.552
dtype: object

The code below will run on a label-printer for chicken eggs. A digital scale will report a chicken egg mass (in grams) to the computer and then the computer will print a label.

Please re-write the code so that the if-block is folded into a function.

import random
 for i in range(10):

    # simulating the mass of a chicken egg
    # the (random) mass will be 70 +/- 20 grams


    #egg sizing machinery prints a label
    elif(mass<70 and mass>=55):

Assume that the following code has been executed:

In [46]:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv', index_col=0)
japan = df.loc['Japan']
gdpPercap_1952     3216.956347
gdpPercap_1957     4317.694365
gdpPercap_1962     6576.649461
gdpPercap_1967     9847.788607
gdpPercap_1972    14778.786360
gdpPercap_1977    16610.377010
gdpPercap_1982    19384.105710
gdpPercap_1987    22375.941890
gdpPercap_1992    26824.895110
gdpPercap_1997    28816.584990
gdpPercap_2002    28604.591900
gdpPercap_2007    31656.068060
Name: Japan, dtype: float64

1.Complete the statements below to obtain the average GDP for Japan across the years reported for the 1980s.

year = 1983
gdp_decade = 'gdpPercap_' + str(year // ____)
avg = (japan.loc[gdp_decade + ___] + japan.loc[gdp_decade + ___]) / 2

2.Abstract the code above into a single function.

def avg_gdp_in_decade(country, continent, year):
    df = pd.read_csv('data/gapminder_gdp_'+___+'.csv',delimiter=',',index_col=0)
    return avg
  1. .How would you generalize this function if you did not know beforehand which specific years occurred as columns in the data? For instance, what if we also had data from years ending in 1 and 9 for each decade? (Hint: use the columns to filter out the ones that correspond to the decade, instead of enumerating them in the code.)

Key Points

  • Break programs down into functions to make them easier to understand.

  • Define a function using def with a name, parameters, and a block of code.

  • Defining a function does not run it.

  • Arguments in call are matched to parameters in definition.

  • Functions may return a result to their caller using return.

Variable Scope

10 min

Exercise (10 min)

The scope of a variable is the part of a program that can ‘see’ that variable.

  • There are only so many sensible names for variables.
  • People using functions shouldn’t have to worry about what variable names the author of the function used.
  • People writing functions shouldn’t have to worry about what variable names the function’s caller uses.
  • The part of a program in which a variable is visible is called its scope.
In [99]:
pressure = 103.9

def adjust(t):
    temperature = t * 1.43 / pressure
    return temperature
  • pressure is a global variable.
    • Defined outside any particular function.
    • Visible everywhere.
  • t and temperature are local variables in adjust.
    • Defined in the function.
    • Not visible in the main program.
    • Remember: a function parameter is a variable that is automatically assigned a value when the function is called.
In [100]:
print('adjusted:', adjust(0.9))
print('temperature after call:', temperature)
adjusted: 0.01238691049085659
NameError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-100-e73c01f89950> in <module>()
      1 print('adjusted:', adjust(0.9))
----> 2 print('temperature after call:', temperature)

NameError: name 'temperature' is not defined


Trace the values of all variables in this program as it is executed. (Use ‘—’ as the value of variables before and after they exist.)

limit = 100

def clip(value):
    return min(max(0.0, value), limit)

value = -22.5

Read the traceback below, and identify the following:

  1. How many levels does the traceback have?
  2. What is the file name where the error occurred?
  3. What is the function name where the error occurred?
  4. On which line number in this function did the error occur?
  5. What is the type of error?
  6. What is the error message?
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-e4c4cbafeeb5> in <module>()
      1 import errors_02
----> 2 errors_02.print_friday_message()

/Users/ghopper/thesis/code/ in print_friday_message()
     14 def print_friday_message():
---> 15     print_message("Friday")

/Users/ghopper/thesis/code/ in print_message(day)
      9         "sunday": "Aw, the weekend is almost over."
     10     }
---> 11     print(messages[day])

KeyError: 'Friday'

Key Points

  • The scope of a variable is the part of a program that can ‘see’ that variable.


15 min

Exercise (15 min)

Use if statements to control whether or not a block of code is executed.

  • An if statement (more properly called a conditional statement) controls whether some block of code is executed or not.
  • Structure is similar to a for statement:
    • First line opens with if and ends with a colon
    • Body containing one or more statements is indented (usually by 4 spaces)
In [52]:
mass = 2.07

if mass > 3.0:
    print (mass, 'is large')
In [102]:
masses = [3.54, 2.07, 9.22, 1.86, 1.71]
for m in masses:
    if m > 3.0:
        print(m, 'is large')
        print(m, 'is small')
3.54 is large
2.07 is small
9.22 is large
1.86 is small
1.71 is small
In [104]:
thing1 = [3.54, 2.07, 9.22]
if masses > thing1:
    print (masses, 'is large')
[3.54, 2.07, 9.22, 1.86, 1.71] is large

Conditionals are often used inside loops.

  • Not much point using a conditional when we know the value (as above).
  • But useful when we have a collection to process.
In [54]:
masses = [3.54, 2.07, 9.22, 1.86, 1.71]
for m in masses:
    if m > 3.0:
        print(m, 'is large')
3.54 is large
9.22 is large

Use else to execute a block of code when an if condition is not true.

  • else can be used following an if.
  • Allows us to specify an alternative to execute when the if branch isn’t taken.
In [55]:
masses = [3.54, 2.07, 9.22, 1.86, 1.71]
for m in masses:
    if m > 3.0:
        print(m, 'is large')
        print(m, 'is small')
3.54 is large
2.07 is small
9.22 is large
1.86 is small
1.71 is small

Use elif to specify additional tests.

  • May want to provide several alternative choices, each with its own test.
  • Use elif (short for “else if”) and a condition to specify these.
  • Always associated with an if.
  • Must come before the else (which is the “catch all”).
  • Complete the next conditional
In [56]:
masses = [3.54, 2.07, 9.22, 1.86, 1.71]
for m in ____:
    if m > 9.0:
        print(__, 'is HUGE')
    elif m > 3.0:
        print(m, 'is large')
        print(m, 'is small')
  File "<ipython-input-56-97e8fa260561>", line 7
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Conditions are tested once, in order.

  • Python steps through the branches of the conditional in order, testing each in turn.
  • So ordering matters.
In [0]:
grade = 85
if grade >= 70:
    print('grade is C')
elif grade >= 80:
    print('grade is B')
elif grade >= 90:
    print('grade is A')
grade is C
  • Does not automatically go back and re-evaluate if values change.
In [0]:
velocity = 10.0
if velocity > 20.0:
    print('moving too fast')
    print('adjusting velocity')
    velocity = 50.0

Often use conditionals in a loop to “evolve” the values of variables.

In [105]:
velocity = 10.0
for i in range(5): # execute the loop 5 times
    print(i, ':', velocity)
    if velocity > 20.0:
        print('moving too fast')
        velocity = velocity - 5.0
        print('moving too slow')
        velocity = velocity + 10.0
print('final velocity:', velocity)
0 : 10.0
moving too slow
1 : 20.0
moving too slow
2 : 30.0
moving too fast
3 : 25.0
moving too fast
4 : 20.0
moving too slow
final velocity: 30.0

Conditionals are useful to check for errors!

Often, you want some combination of things to be true. You can combine relations within a conditional using and and or. Continuing the example above, suppose you have

In [0]:
mass     = [ 3.54,  2.07,  9.22,  1.86,  1.71]
velocity = [10.00, 20.00, 30.00, 25.00, 20.00]

i = 0
for i in range(5):
    if mass[i] > 5 and velocity[i] > 20:
        print("Fast heavy object.  Duck!")
    elif mass[i] > 2 and mass[i] <= 5 and velocity[i] <= 20:
        print("Normal traffic")
    elif mass[i] <= 2 and velocity[i] <= 20:
        print("Slow light object.  Ignore it")
        print("Whoa!  Something is up with the data.  Check it")
Normal traffic
Normal traffic
Fast heavy object.  Duck!
Whoa!  Something is up with the data.  Check it
Slow light object.  Ignore it

Just like with arithmetic, you can and should use parentheses whenever there is possible ambiguity. A good general rule is to always use parentheses when mixing and and or in the same condition. That is, instead of:

In [0]:
if mass[i] <= 2 or mass[i] >= 5 and velocity[i] > 20:

write one of these:

In [0]:
if (mass[i] <= 2 or mass[i] >= 5) and velocity[i] > 20:
if mass[i] <= 2 or (mass[i] >= 5 and velocity[i] > 20):

so it is perfectly clear to a reader (and to Python) what you really mean.


What does this program print?

pressure = 71.9
if pressure > 50.0:
    pressure = 25.0
elif pressure <= 50.0:
    pressure = 0.0
In [106]:
pressure = 71.9
if pressure > 50.0:
    pressure = 25.0
elif pressure <= 50.0:
    pressure = 0.0

Trimming Values Fill in the blanks so that this program creates a new list containing zeroes where the original list’s values were negative and ones where the original list’s values were positive.

In [107]:
original = [-1.5, 0.2, 0.4, 0.0, -1.3, 0.4]
result = []
for value in original:
    if value < 0.0:
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
  • Modify this program so that it only processes files with fewer than 50 records.
In [108]:
import glob
import pandas as pd
for filename in glob.glob('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/*.csv'):
    contents = pd.read_csv(filename)
    if len(contents) < 50:
        print(filename, len(contents))
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_americas.csv 25
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv 33
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv 30
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_oceania.csv 2
/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/processed.csv 2

Modify this program so that it finds the largest and smallest values in the list no matter what the range of values originally is.

values = [...some test data...]
smallest, largest = None, None
for v in values:
    if ____:
        smallest, largest = v, v
        smallest = min(____, v)
        largest = max(____, v)
print(smallest, largest)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this method to find the range of the data?

  • Using functions with conditionals in Pandas

Functions will often contain conditionals. Here is a short example that will indicate which quartile the argument is in based on hand-coded values for the quartile cut points.

In [9]:
def calculate_life_quartile(exp):
    if exp < 58.41:
        # This observation is in the first quartile
        return 1
    elif exp >= 58.41 and exp < 67.05:
        # This observation is in the second quartile
       return 2
    elif exp >= 67.05 and exp < 71.70:
        # This observation is in the third quartile
       return 3
    elif exp >= 71.70:
        # This observation is in the fourth quartile
       return 4
        # This observation has bad data
       return None


That function would typically be used within a for loop, but Pandas has a different, more efficient way of doing the same thing, and that is by applying a function to a dataframe or a portion of a dataframe. Here is an example, using the definition above.

In [59]:
data = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/all-Americas.csv')
#data['life_qrtl'] = data['lifeExp'].apply(calculate_life_quartile)
continent country gdpPercap_1952 gdpPercap_1957 gdpPercap_1962 gdpPercap_1967 gdpPercap_1972 gdpPercap_1977 gdpPercap_1982 gdpPercap_1987 gdpPercap_1992 gdpPercap_1997 gdpPercap_2002 gdpPercap_2007
0 Americas Argentina 5911.315053 6856.856212 7133.166023 8052.953021 9443.038526 10079.026740 8997.897412 9139.671389 9308.418710 10967.281950 8797.640716 12779.379640
1 Americas Bolivia 2677.326347 2127.686326 2180.972546 2586.886053 2980.331339 3548.097832 3156.510452 2753.691490 2961.699694 3326.143191 3413.262690 3822.137084
2 Americas Brazil 2108.944355 2487.365989 3336.585802 3429.864357 4985.711467 6660.118654 7030.835878 7807.095818 6950.283021 7957.980824 8131.212843 9065.800825
3 Americas Canada 11367.161120 12489.950060 13462.485550 16076.588030 18970.570860 22090.883060 22898.792140 26626.515030 26342.884260 28954.925890 33328.965070 36319.235010
4 Americas Chile 3939.978789 4315.622723 4519.094331 5106.654313 5494.024437 4756.763836 5095.665738 5547.063754 7596.125964 10118.053180 10778.783850 13171.638850
5 Americas Colombia 2144.115096 2323.805581 2492.351109 2678.729839 3264.660041 3815.807870 4397.575659 4903.219100 5444.648617 6117.361746 5755.259962 7006.580419
6 Americas Costa Rica 2627.009471 2990.010802 3460.937025 4161.727834 5118.146939 5926.876967 5262.734751 5629.915318 6160.416317 6677.045314 7723.447195 9645.061420
7 Americas Cuba 5586.538780 6092.174359 5180.755910 5690.268015 5305.445256 6380.494966 7316.918107 7532.924763 5592.843963 5431.990415 6340.646683 8948.102923
8 Americas Dominican Republic 1397.717137 1544.402995 1662.137359 1653.723003 2189.874499 2681.988900 2861.092386 2899.842175 3044.214214 3614.101285 4563.808154 6025.374752
9 Americas Ecuador 3522.110717 3780.546651 4086.114078 4579.074215 5280.994710 6679.623260 7213.791267 6481.776993 7103.702595 7429.455877 5773.044512 6873.262326
10 Americas El Salvador 3048.302900 3421.523218 3776.803627 4358.595393 4520.246008 5138.922374 4098.344175 4140.442097 4444.231700 5154.825496 5351.568666 5728.353514
11 Americas Guatemala 2428.237769 2617.155967 2750.364446 3242.531147 4031.408271 4879.992748 4820.494790 4246.485974 4439.450840 4684.313807 4858.347495 5186.050003
12 Americas Haiti 1840.366939 1726.887882 1796.589032 1452.057666 1654.456946 1874.298931 2011.159549 1823.015995 1456.309517 1341.726931 1270.364932 1201.637154
13 Americas Honduras 2194.926204 2220.487682 2291.156835 2538.269358 2529.842345 3203.208066 3121.760794 3023.096699 3081.694603 3160.454906 3099.728660 3548.330846
14 Americas Jamaica 2898.530881 4756.525781 5246.107524 6124.703451 7433.889293 6650.195573 6068.051350 6351.237495 7404.923685 7121.924704 6994.774861 7320.880262
15 Americas Mexico 3478.125529 4131.546641 4581.609385 5754.733883 6809.406690 7674.929108 9611.147541 8688.156003 9472.384295 9767.297530 10742.440530 11977.574960
16 Americas Nicaragua 3112.363948 3457.415947 3634.364406 4643.393534 4688.593267 5486.371089 3470.338156 2955.984375 2170.151724 2253.023004 2474.548819 2749.320965
17 Americas Panama 2480.380334 2961.800905 3536.540301 4421.009084 5364.249663 5351.912144 7009.601598 7034.779161 6618.743050 7113.692252 7356.031934 9809.185636
18 Americas Paraguay 1952.308701 2046.154706 2148.027146 2299.376311 2523.337977 3248.373311 4258.503604 3998.875695 4196.411078 4247.400261 3783.674243 4172.838464
19 Americas Peru 3758.523437 4245.256698 4957.037982 5788.093330 5937.827283 6281.290855 6434.501797 6360.943444 4446.380924 5838.347657 5909.020073 7408.905561
20 Americas Puerto Rico 3081.959785 3907.156189 5108.344630 6929.277714 9123.041742 9770.524921 10330.989150 12281.341910 14641.587110 16999.433300 18855.606180 19328.709010
21 Americas Trinidad and Tobago 3023.271928 4100.393400 4997.523971 5621.368472 6619.551419 7899.554209 9119.528607 7388.597823 7370.990932 8792.573126 11460.600230 18008.509240
22 Americas United States 13990.482080 14847.127120 16173.145860 19530.365570 21806.035940 24072.632130 25009.559140 29884.350410 32003.932240 35767.433030 39097.099550 42951.653090
23 Americas Uruguay 5716.766744 6150.772969 5603.357717 5444.619620 5703.408898 6504.339663 6920.223051 7452.398969 8137.004775 9230.240708 7727.002004 10611.462990
24 Americas Venezuela 7689.799761 9802.466526 8422.974165 9541.474188 10505.259660 13143.950950 11152.410110 9883.584648 10733.926310 10165.495180 8605.047831 11415.805690

There is a lot in that second line, so let’s take it piece by piece. On the right side of the = we start with data['lifeExp'], which is the column in the dataframe called data labeled lifExp. We use the apply() to do what it says, apply the calculate_life_quartile to the value of this column for every row in the dataframe.

Key Points

  • Use if statements to control whether or not a block of code is executed.

  • Conditionals are often used inside loops.

  • Use else to execute a block of code when an if condition is not true.

  • Use elif to specify additional tests.

  • Conditions are tested once, in order.

  • Create a table showing variables’ values to trace a program’s execution.


20 min Exercises (15 min)

We are going to use matplotlib.

matplotlib is the most widely used scientific plotting library in Python.

  • Commonly use a sub-library called matplotlib.pyplot.
  • The Jupyter Notebook will render plots inline if we ask it to using a “magic” command.
In [61]:
#%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • Simple plots are then (fairly) simple to create
In [62]:
time = [0, 1, 2, 3]
position = [0, 100, 200, 300]

plt.plot(time, position)
plt.xlabel('Time (hr)')
plt.ylabel('Position (km)')
Text(0,0.5,'Position (km)')

Plot data directly from a Pandas dataframe

  • We can also plot Pandas dataframes.
  • This implicitly uses matplotlib.pyplot.
  • Before plotting, we convert the column headings from a string to integer data type, since they represent numerical values
In [64]:
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_oceania.csv', index_col='country')

# Extract year from last 4 characters of each column name
years = data.columns.str.strip('gdpPercap_')
# Convert year values to integers, saving results back to dataframe
data.columns = years.astype(int)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fdc600bc588>

Select and transform data, then plot it

  • By default, DataFrame.plot plots with the rows as the X axis.
  • We can transpose the data in order to plot multiple series.
In [65]:
plt.ylabel('GDP per capita')
Text(0,0.5,'GDP per capita')

Many styles of plot are available.

  • For example, do a bar plot using a fancier style.
In [66]:'ggplot')
plt.ylabel('GDP per capita')
Text(0,0.5,'GDP per capita')

Data can also be plotted by calling the matplotlib plot function directly.

  • The command is plt.plot(x, y)
  • The color / format of markers can also be specified as an optical argument: e.g. ‘b-‘ is a blue line, ‘g–’ is a green dashed line.

Get Australia data from dataframe

In [67]:
years = data.columns
gdp_australia = data.loc['Australia']

plt.plot(years, gdp_australia, 'g--')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fdc5fece550>]

Can plot many sets of data together.

In [68]:
# Select two countries' worth of data.
gdp_australia = data.loc['Australia']
gdp_nz = data.loc['New Zealand']

# Plot with differently-colored markers.
plt.plot(years, gdp_australia, 'b-', label='Australia')
plt.plot(years, gdp_nz, 'g-', label='New Zealand')

# Create legend.
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.ylabel('GDP per capita ($)')
Text(0,0.5,'GDP per capita ($)')

Add a legend

Often when plotting multiple datasets on the same figure it is desirable to have a legend describing the data.

This can be done in matplotlib in two stages:

  • Provide a label for each dataset in the figure:
In [69]:
plt.plot(years, gdp_australia, label='Australia')
plt.plot(years, gdp_nz, label='New Zealand')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fdc5ff24b70>]
  • Instruct matplotlib to create the legend.
In [70]:
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fdc5fde26d8>

By default matplotlib will attempt to place the legend in a suitable position. If you would rather specify a position this can be done with the loc= argument, e.g to place the legend in the upper left corner of the plot, specify loc='upper left'

  • Plot a scatter plot correlating the GDP of Australia and New Zealand
  • Use either plt.scatter or DataFrame.plot.scatter
In [71]:
plt.scatter(gdp_australia, gdp_nz)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fdc5fd5f6d8>
In [72]:
data.T.plot.scatter(x = 'Australia', y = 'New Zealand')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fdc5fd99860>


Fill in the blanks below to plot the minimum GDP per capita over time for all the countries in Europe. Modify it again to plot the maximum GDP per capita over time for Europe.

In [73]:
data_europe = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-73-e4db3abbc459> in <module>()
      1 data_europe = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_europe.csv', index_col='country')
----> 2 data_europe.____.plot(label='min')
      3 data_europe.____
      4 plt.legend(loc='best')
      5 plt.xticks(rotation=90)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getattr__(self, name)
   3612             if name in self._info_axis:
   3613                 return self[name]
-> 3614             return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   3616     def __setattr__(self, name, value):

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute '____'

Modify the example in the notes to create a scatter plot showing the relationship between the minimum and maximum GDP per capita among the countries in Asia for each year in the data set. What relationship do you see (if any)?

In [0]:
data_asia = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv', index_col='country')
data_asia.describe().T.plot(kind='scatter', x='min', y='max')

You might note that the variability in the maximum is much higher than that of the minimum. Take a look at the maximum and the max indexes:

In [0]:
data_asia = pd.read_csv('/home/mcubero/dataSanJose19/data/gapminder_gdp_asia.csv', index_col='country')

Saving your plot to a file

If you are satisfied with the plot you see you may want to save it to a file, perhaps to include it in a publication. There is a function in the matplotlib.pyplot module that accomplishes this: savefig. Calling this function, e.g. with

In [0]:

will save the current figure to the file my_figure.png. The file format will automatically be deduced from the file name extension (other formats are pdf, ps, eps and svg).

Note that functions in plt refer to a global figure variable and after a figure has been displayed to the screen (e.g. with matplotlib will make this variable refer to a new empty figure. Therefore, make sure you call plt.savefig before the plot is displayed to the screen, otherwise you may find a file with an empty plot.

When using dataframes, data is often generated and plotted to screen in one line, and plt.savefig seems not to be a possible approach. One possibility to save the figure to file is then to

  • save a reference to the current figure in a local variable (with plt.gcf)
  • call the savefig class method from that variable.
In [0]:
fig = plt.gcf() # get current figure

Making your plots accessible

Whenever you are generating plots to go into a paper or a presentation, there are a few things you can do to make sure that everyone can understand your plots.

  • Always make sure your text is large enough to read. Use the fontsize parameter in xlabel, ylabel, title, and legend, and tick_params with labelsize to increase the text size of the numbers on your axes.
  • Similarly, you should make your graph elements easy to see. Use s to increase the size of your scatterplot markers and linewidth to increase the sizes of your plot lines.
  • Using color (and nothing else) to distinguish between different plot elements will make your plots unreadable to anyone who is colorblind, or who happens to have a black-and-white office printer. For lines, the linestyle parameter lets you use different types of lines. For scatterplots, marker lets you change the shape of your points. If you’re unsure about your colors, you can use Coblis or Color Oracle to simulate what your plots would look like to those with colorblindness.

Key Points

  • matplotlib is the most widely used scientific plotting library in Python.

  • Plot data directly from a Pandas dataframe.

  • Select and transform data, then plot it.

  • Many styles of plot are available: see the Python Graph Gallery for more options.

  • Can plot many sets of data together.

Programming Style

15 minutes

Exercises (15 min)

Coding style

Coding style helps us to understand the code better. It helps to maintain and change the code. Python relies strongly on coding style, as we may notice by the indentation we apply to lines to define different blocks of code. Python proposes a standard style through one of its first Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP), PEP8, and highlight the importance of readability in the Zen of Python.

Keep in mind:

  • document your code
  • use clear, meaningful variable names
  • use white-space, not tabs, to indent lines

Follow standard Python style in your code.

  • PEP8: a style guide for Python that discusses topics such as how you should name variables, how you should use indentation in your code, how you should structure your import statements, etc. Adhering to PEP8 makes it easier for other Python developers to read and understand your code, and to understand what their contributions should look like. The PEP8 application and Python library can check your code for compliance with PEP8.
  • Google style guide on Python supports the use of PEP8 and extend the coding style to more specific structure of a Python code, which may be interesting also to follow.

Use assertions to check for internal errors.

Assertions are a simple, but powerful method for making sure that the context in which your code is executing is as you expect.

In [109]:
def calc_bulk_density(mass, volume):
    '''Return dry bulk density = powder mass / powder volume.'''
    assert volume > 0
    return mass / volume
In [110]:
calc_bulk_density(60, -50)
AssertionError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-110-b0873c16a0ba> in <module>()
----> 1 calc_bulk_density(60, -50)

<ipython-input-109-fa5af01ee7ed> in calc_bulk_density(mass, volume)
      1 def calc_bulk_density(mass, volume):
      2     '''Return dry bulk density = powder mass / powder volume.'''
----> 3     assert volume > 0
      4     return mass / volume


If the assertion is False, the Python interpreter raises an AssertionError runtime exception. The source code for the expression that failed will be displayed as part of the error message. To ignore assertions in your code run the interpreter with the ‘-O’ (optimize) switch. Assertions should contain only simple checks and never change the state of the program. For example, an assertion should never contain an assignment.

Use docstrings to provide online help.

  • If the first thing in a function is a character string that is not assignd to a variable, Python attaches it to the function as thee online help.
  • Called a docstring (short fo "documentation string").
In [111]:
def average(values):
    "Return average of values, or None if no values are supplied."

    if len(values) == 0:
        return None
    return sum(values) / len(values)

Help on function average in module __main__:

    Return average of values, or None if no values are supplied.

Also, you can comment your code using multiline strings. These start and end with three quote characters (either single or double) and end with three matching characters.

In [112]:
import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
In [77]:
"""This string spans
multiple lines.

Blank lines are allowed."""
'This string spans\nmultiple lines.\n\nBlank lines are allowed.'


Highlight the lines in the code below that will be available as online help. Are there lines that should be made available, but won’t be? Will any lines produce a syntax error or a runtime error?

"Find maximum edit distance between multiple sequences."
# This finds the maximum distance between all sequences.

def overall_max(sequences):
    '''Determine overall maximum edit distance.'''

    highest = 0
    for left in sequences:
        for right in sequences:
            '''Avoid checking sequence against itself.'''
            if left != right:
                this = edit_distance(left, right)
                highest = max(highest, this)

    # Report.
    return highest

Turn the comment on the following function into a docstring and check that help displays it properly.

In [0]:
def middle(a, b, c):
    # Return the middle value of three.
    # Assumes the values can actually be compared.
    values = [a, b, c]
    return values[1]

Clean up this code!

  1. Read this short program and try to predict what it does.
  2. Run it: how accurate was your prediction?
  3. Refactor the program to make it more readable. Remember to run it after each change to ensure its behavior hasn’t changed.
  4. Compare your rewrite with your neighbor’s. What did you do the same? What did you do differently, and why?
n = 10
s = 'et cetera'
i = 0
while i < n:
    # print('at', j)
    new = ''
    for j in range(len(s)):
        left = j-1
        right = (j+1)%len(s)
        if s[left]==s[right]: new += '-'
        else: new += '*'
    i += 1

Key Points

  • Follow standard Python style in your code.

  • Use docstrings to provide online help.